Monday, July 24, 2017

Destination Reached - Rockland, Maine

The trip to Rockland from Boothbay was just stunning.  We had to travel through this channel called the Muscle Ridge Channel that was a little unnerving due to all the rocks and ledges.  But it was well marked so we had no problems.
What sometimes looks to me to be just a very large rock they call an island.  Island? Rock?  No matter - they are all marked on the chart.
Barely a ripple on the water as this lobsterman checks his traps.  It is the calm before the storm.  We were trying to reach Rockland ahead of some weather that we knew was heading that way.

We thought that this rock looked like a whale. 
It is so odd to see these islands with only one house on them.  There is not even a lighthouse on this one.
 And this was the view as we started to round the corner into Rockland Harbor.  We had no idea there were mountains!  We just couldn't believe how beautiful it was.  You can see the storm clouds starting to gather.
 Here we are Rockland Harbor - this lighthouse lights the way into the harbor.  As it turned out we made it just in time - the rain started to fall just as we were entering our slip.  A prelude of things to come.  That night we experienced a real "Nor'Easter".  The wind blew 35 to 40 knots and the entire dock was moving several feet.  We have never had that much movement while at the dock!  But we couldn't get off the boat - the dock was a very unsafe place to be.  There was nothing to do but ride it out.  Needless to say there was no sleep that night!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Boothbay Harbor

Ferry heading into Boothbay Harbor
From Harpswell we continued "down east" to Boothbay Harbor.  Being from the midwest about all I knew of Maine was that it bordered Canada and was very cold in the winter.  I also knew that it was comfortable in the summer.  After so many hot and extremely humid summers I was ready for a summer where we would enjoy being outside.  

We have learned that you really don't want to head to Maine until around July.  Spring in Maine is pretty darn chilly.  Or at least that was the case this year.  Mainers assured us that this spring was "unusual".  
Boothbay Harbor
This is the mooring field in Boothbay Harbor.  A "mooring" is basically an anchor that is already set and attached to a float.  You grab the "penant" or line attached to the float and attach it to your boat.  That's it - pretty simple really.  
Boothbay Harbor
Yes - it really is this pretty!!  We had our first taste of lobster here.  Boothbay is in Casco Bay - a prime sailing area in the summer.  Maine has over 4,600 Islands!!!!  Many of them are here in Casco Bay.  But we are headed to Penobscot Bay which is where Acadia National Park is located.  Another prime sailing area.
Our next stop after Boothbay will be our final destination for the summer - Rockland, Maine.  We have a slip there for the season and will explore as much of Maine as we can from there. Even if you came back year after year you would not see everything there is to see - nonetheless we will do our best.