Saturday, August 17, 2019

Lake and Mountains

Lagoa das Empadadas - another stop on the "yellow bus" tour.  Of course, we jumped off and followed everyone else on a hike to the lake.  It looked like the start of a gentle slope but it ended up being a bit of an uphill climb to the lake.  We made it to the lake - so far, so good.
But once we reached the lake we noticed that most everyone else kept hiking on up the road.  As it turns out nearly everyone was headed to the top of that mountain - for the views!!  We should have paid attention to the warning signs at the entrance regarding the steep grade.  But that was for cars, right - not us we were hiking!
 I am proud to say that although we did not reach the very top we came awfully darn close.  Talk about a climb - Michael was pretty sure that I had a secret plot to do him in!
Needless to say we have been shedding the pounds while here in Sao Miquel - all we do is walk, all day long.
 The views from the almost tip top were phenomenal.  And you would think okay so its all downhill from here - true - but it was such a steep grade it was work going down as well.
 II am actually holding on the the wall here because the grade is so steep.  
 We were pretty happy to get back on the bus for a little rest before the next stop - another lake/lagoon.  Lagoa do Canario.  Pretty place to see but no hiking there!
 The ferns and trees are so large - they love this climate.  I love it as well - 70s most days - not too hot, not too cold.  Nearly everyday there is a breeze and it rains often.  Not for long - it will just rain for an hour or so.  Just enough to keep the plants happy.

And the best part is that the weather is fairly consistent year round.  70s during the day and down to 60s at night.  Perfect sleeping weather.  It is just very, very comfortable. 

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