Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Everglades

Mandatory that anyone spending any amount of time in Florida visit the Everglades - the "river of grass" that exists nowhere else in the world.  It is also the only place in the world where crocodiles and alligators live side by side.  Unfortunately, we did not see any crocodiles - but there were plenty of gators around. At first glance the Everglades look like a big prairie.

But there is water under all that grass - flowing water!!  Lots of flowing water!  All kept clean by this stuff that looks alot like cardboard called periphyton.  Its like a big sponge that is constantly filtering the water.  They say its so clean you can drink it - but I don't think I would!  The gators this time of year are trying to keep cool so they tend to stay in the water during the heat of the day.

This little guy is actually around two years old and is out there trying to fend for himself. Scary huh!  Unfortunately, Momma Gator has no choice but to kick them out of the nest this small.  If she did not then her smaller babies would be at risk as this "juvenile delinquent" would eat its siblings!  Talk about sibling rivalry!
This Momma certainly has plenty of babies to protect.  Fortunately, its much easier to do when they are sitting on your nose!!  The baby gators are black with yellow stripes, she has about eight of them around her.  They will stay with her for about two years and then off they go into the wild. With any luck at all they will make it to be this size. Many, many do not - but if they do then they are pretty much the king of the Everglades. 
The only predator this guy has to worry about is the Burmese Phython.  The phython is of course not native to the Everglades or Florida for that matter.  Despite all efforts they phython has yet to be eradicated in the park, but they are trying!!  If the Everglades is not on your bucket list perhaps you will revise it as this park is well worth the visit.

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