Wednesday, June 7, 2017

9/11 Memorial and Museum

These memorials sit at the spot where the Twin Towers stood.  They are large pools with water running into the large square then the smaller one.  Along the sides of the pool are the names of all those who perished that day. 
The names are hollow and folks come and put flowers in the slats for their loved ones name.  
 The museum is underneath the memorial - under where the actual towers once stood.  There are remains of the buildings there.
 This is part of the actual tower. 
I thought this plaque was great with all the interesting facts about the Twin Towers.

This makes it hit home - the photos of every one of the folks that died on that day, in that horrific way.
 And this - knowing that what is left of folks is there behind the wall.  Sends chills.
 This is what is left of a fire truck that responded on that day.
 Part of the wall - it was like a sea wall to prevent water from the rivers seeping in. It was part of the foundation of the building.  The museum connected the two towers - you actually walked under both memorials.  I thought the memorials and museum were very well done.  Sad day - but glad we went.

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