Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Heading back south

Portland Head Light - Portland, Maine

When we started this journey we thought we would spend maybe 4 to 5 years exploring the US before we set off to explore other countries.  We left Kentucky in 2014 and since then we have been up the entire east coast of the US with a side trip to Cuba.  It is now 2017 and we are headed back to North Carolina.  The plan is to put Talaria on the hard for the winter and then sail her to the Mediterranean in the spring.  There is much that has to be done before then but we are hoping we are ready.  
Beach in Plymouth, Massachusetts
 We departed from Rockland, Maine on September 2nd knowing that the trip back would not be as easy as the trip up.  Primarily because the prevailing winds in Maine are from the southeast. Precisely the way we need to go - well south anyway.  Weather is always the primary concern when sailing/cruising.  Sailors say the most dangerous thing on a boat is a "schedule" which of course we have.  Sadly, Mother Nature is fickle -absolutely no concern for how strong you want the wind to blow or from which direction.  So... of course, starting out the wind was from the wrong direction and there was too much of it.  Seas were running 6 to 7 feet.  Pounding into those types of seas is not fun.  We were gone one day - just one day- and already had to sit back and wait for favorable winds.  Like I said - having a schedule is a very bad thing.  We finally did make it as far as Portland - albeit in rough seas- but then had to sit and wait for about three days.  Portland is not a bad place to hang out - if you are stuck somewhere it may as well be there.  Time to stop and smell the roses (or the saltwater)!  
And we won't freeze as we had side curtains made while in Maine.  We do not have an enclosed cockpit and nearly froze on the way up.  That issue as least is solved.  Now if we can just coax the weather....

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